On 19-21 September 2023 we hosted Mrs. Natália Bačová from the Pavel Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, the second largest city in Slovakia. Ms. Natália Bačová works in the Department for International Relations at the Faculty of Arts of the Slovak university.
The purpose of Mrs. Bačová’s visit was to exchange experiences and good practices with staff of the International Cooperation Department of UKSW and to establish cooperation between our universities. The training focused on exchange programs offered by SAIA (Slovak Academic Information Agency) and NAWA (Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange), the CEEPUS Programme and student services under the Erasmus+ Programme, including the implementation of Erasmus Without Paper solutions. P. Bacova also had the opportunity to learn about the operation of the newly established Welcome Centre, which aims to support foreign students and staff in the adaptation process at the university and in Poland. Moreover, the mobility coordinator for incoming staff from the International Relations Department gave the guest a tour of the Wóycickiego Campus and the Dewajtis Campus. The culmination of the visit was a meeting with Dr. Bartłomiej Dźwigała, PhD, Institute Coordinator of the Erasmus+ Programme at the Faculty of Historical Sciences. The meeting gives hope for fruitful cooperation between our universities.
I want to extend a warm ‘thank you’ to the UKSW staff for spending time with me during my Erasmus+ mobility. I appreciate your time and I greatly enjoyed our conversations. I had an opportunity to learn more about UKSW and to meet wonderful people. We also discussed the possibility of cooperation and I truly believe that this was the first step towards successful cooperation between Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw and Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice.– summed up Mrs. Natália Bačová.