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International projects implemented at UKSW:

Erasmus+ RBTSinEDU Anxiety Free Mathematics Education with Robotic. Applications in Blended Learning.

Rewarding excellence in learning, teaching and skills development,

  • Addressing digital transformation through development of digital readiness, resilience and capacity,
  • Creating Robotics based Modular Curriculum for Blended Learning,
  • Smart Video Platform with Robotics Productions,
  • Digital Teaching Guide with Visual Design, offer a cutting-edge curriculum that may be used for robotics applications in learning and teaching in primary schools,
  • Creation of robotics applications, which will result in the creation of a virtual platform that both teachers and potential teachers will be free to utilize in their activities for teaching mathematics,
  • Increase students’ digital preparedness, resiliency, and capacity for teaching in elementary schools, to lessen arithmetic fear in children, improve math performance, and foster algorithmic thinking.

  • primary school teaching departments from the partner universities,
  • pre-service teachers who are at the primary school teaching departnment of the faculty of education.

  • Project Management,
  • Creating Robotics based Modular Curriculum for Blended Learning,
  • Smart Video Platform with Robotics Productions,
  • Teaching Guide with Visual Design,
  • Dissemination and Sustainability

  • Latvian University – Coordinator (Latvia)
  • Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University (Turkey)
  • Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University (Poland)
  • South-West University Neofit Rilski (Bulgaria)
  • Public Institution Baltic Institute of Educational Technologies (Lithuania)

26 months (01.09.2023-31.10.2025)

Erasmus+DialogEduShift: Transforming Higher Education Teaching and Evaluation Approaches in the Era of AI Chat Tools.

The DialogEduShift project addresses the challenges posed by AI chat tools like ChatGPT in higher education, focusing on their integration and impact on student evaluation. With 65% of faculty unsure how to approach this issue, the project aims to:

  • empower teachers with skills to integrate AI tools,
  • enhance education quality using AI for personalized learning,
  • foster digital readiness and resilience in institutions,
  • develop a framework for evaluating AI tools’ effectiveness and ethics.

  • Academic teachers,
  • Administrative staff at universities,
  • Researchers,
  • AI and educational industry specialists,
  • Students.

  • Project Management,
  • Handbook for HEIs,
  • Guidelines on the use of AI Chat tools in higher education,
  • E-course for academic educators on the usage of AI Chat tools in higher education,
  • Dissemination and Exploitation,

  • Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University – Coordinator (Poland)
  • Europäisches Haus Esthal GmbH (Germany)
  • Rezeknes Tehnologiju Akademija (Latvia)
  • Sumy State University (Ukraine)
  • Fundation Eastern Institute of Business Education (Poland)
  • Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University (Turkey)

24 months (01.09.2023-31.08.2025)

Erasmus+ KA171: Cooperation with third countries not associated with the Erasmus program.

The Faculty of Social and Economics (Institute of Political and Administrative Sciences) will cooperate with:

  • the University of New York in Tirana – the first private university in Albania
  • two universities from the Caucasus region – Sokhumi State University in Georgia and Western Caspian University in Azerbaijan.

The Faculty of Historical Sciences will cooperate in the field of archeology and historical art history of the land of Nubia with:

  • Cairo University in Egypt,
  • the University of Khartoum in Sudan,

The Faculty of Biology and Environmental Sciences will cooperate with:

  • the Mexican university from Yucatan – El Colegio de la Frontera Sur,
  • Yerevan State University in Armenia
  • Ilia State University in Georgia.

  • University of Khartoum (Sudan)
  • El Colegio de la Frontera Sur (Mexico)
  • University of New York Tirana (Albania)
  • Cairo University (Egypt)
  • Yerevan State University (Armenia)
  • Ilia State University (Georgia)
  • Sokhumi State University (Georgia)
  • Qarb Universiteti (Azerbaijan)

The project provides for mobility of academic staff and arrivals of students to UKSW. The project will last 3 years and will involve 8 universities from 7 different countries on 3 continents! We received funding to carry out as many as 40 mobilities!

01/08/2023 – 31/07/2026

Direction@UKSW! Development of the internationalization of UKSW through comprehensive service for foreign students and teaching staff.

The aim of the project is to enhance the organizational capacity of UKSW in servicing students and visiting lecturers from abroad, while ensuring high-quality support. Over the years, the number of international students studying at UKSW has been steadily increasing. The university has seen a rise in students coming for semester exchanges under the Erasmus+ mobility program, as well as an increase in the number of individuals from countries such as Ukraine and Belarus opting to pursue their entire academic path at UKSW. Additionally, the university is hosting a growing number of visiting lecturers participating in mobility programs, bilateral agreements, and various scientific projects and grants.

Recognizing the need for a permanent, systematic support system for foreign guests, the university has established the Welcome Centre, providing centralized, comprehensive, and dedicated assistance to international students and scholars. This Centre is located within the International Cooperation Department’s structure and serves as a hub for obtaining information and assistance regarding studies and stay in Poland.

Preparatory actions necessary for the launch and operation of the Centre included:

  • Organizational preparation of the university through bilingual documentation and signage, as well as setting up the physical space of the Centre.
  • Preparation of promotional materials essential for the Centre’s launch and operation.

As a result of these efforts, the quality of service provided to international students and lecturers will be improved, enhancing UKSW’s capacity to host and support foreign students and academic staff. This will contribute to the internationalization of the university, its promotion on the international stage, and the building of a reputation as an open and multicultural institution.

The Project funded by the Polish Agency for Academic Exchange under the Welcome to Poland Programme (2022).

01.03.2023 – 31.05.2024