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Cooperation with Tanzanian University

Recently representatives of the authorities and the Theological Faculties of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University and Jordan University College in Morogoro, Tanzania, signed an agreement for an indefinite period to conduct joint second-cycle studies with a general academic profile in the field of Specialised Theological Studies (STS).

This is UKSW’s first international agreement on joined studies, which will be carried out at both universities in paralel and students will be able to be included in research projects organised at UKSW and JUCo. Additionally, after meeting the conditions specified by the Holy See, students will be able to obtain a canonical bachelor’s degree (Latin: Licentia in sacra Theologia) issued by UKSW. Responsible for supervising the conduct of joint degree studies on the UKSW will be the Dean of the Faculty of Theology, Rev. Professor Piotr Tomasik, PhD, and on the JUCo – the Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and Theology, Rev. Professor William Ngowi. In addition, the universities will appoint an opinion giving team focused on establishing a mutual schedule of classes for each year and conducting joint studies, which will include employees of both institutions.

In the photo from the left: Rev. Prof. Piotr Tomasik, PhD, Dean of the Faculty of Theology; Rev. Professor Marek Stokłosa, PhD, Vice-Rector for Research and International Cooperation; Fr. Jacek Górka, PhD
In the photo from the left: Rev. Prof. Jarosław Różański, PhD; Rev. Prof. Dariusz Kurzydło, PhD.; Rev. Prof. Marek Tatar, PhD; Rev. Professor Marek Stokłosa, PhD, Vice-Rector for Research and International Cooperation; Fr. Jacek Górka, PhD; Rev. Prof. Piotr Tomasik, Dean of the Faculty of Theology; Rev. Mariusz Boguszewski, PhD
26 September 2023