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Another project under the NAWA Welcome to Poland Programme won by UKSW!

We are very pleased to announce that the Institute of Pedagogy together with the International Relations Department is implementing the UKSW Goes Global project.

The aim of the project is to build the potential of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in the field of internationalisation. This aim includes two specific goals:

1. International dissemination of research results and scientific activities.

2. Promotion of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in the international arena.

Main tasks:

1. Organizing an international scientific conference at UKSW in order to disseminate the results of research and scientific activities conducted by the academic staff of the Faculty of Education.

The conference will result in a joint publication in English.

2. Preparation and distribution of information and promotional materials supporting the internationalisation of UKSW. The effect of those activities will be information and promotional materials addressed to Polish and foreign high school graduates and young Polish and foreign researchers, promoting UKSW (materials will be in Polish, German and English language versions).

The project is addressed to two target groups:

1. Researchers and teaching staff of the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw, in particular of the Faculty of Education

2. Polish and foreign high school graduates (and their parents) and young Polish and international researchers considering the possibility of continuing their education UKSW, regardless of the degree of study – first-, second- or third-cycle studies.

We wish the Institute of Pedagogy a huge success in the realisation of the project!

The project is co-financed by the National Agency for Academic Exchange as part of the project Welcome to Poland (2022)

09 October 2023