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Ecotheology and ecophilosophy were the topics of the visit of Prof. Zoran Turza from Croatia

Prof. Zoran Turza from the Catholic University of Croatia stayed in September this year at the Faculty of Christian Philosophy of the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw as part of the Erasmus+ Staff Mobility Programme. Rev. Prof. Ryszard Sadowski, the director of the Institute of Philosophy at UKSW and the head of the Department of Ecophilosophy acted as the host of prof. Turza. The aim of the mobility was to exchange knowledge on good practices and strategies in education and science in the field of ecotheology and ecophilosophy, as well as in the organisation of various activities at the university related to deepening knowledge and expanding awareness of the importance of activities for ecological involvement. Moreover, the visit was also aimed at supporting international cooperation between our institutions, especially in the field of ecotheology and ecophilosophy.

During his stay at UKSW, prof. Turza also met with representatives of various university units to strengthen the already established international cooperation and establish new agreements between the two universities. He met with Rev. Prof. Maciej Bała, the dean of the Faculty of Christian Philosophy, and Rev. Prof. Ryszard Sadowski, the director of the Institute of Philosophy of UKSW. In addition, he also met with Dr. Bartłomiej Dźwigała, PhD, the coordinator of the Erasmus+ Program at the Faculty of History, and with Dr. hab. Grzegorz Łęcicki, prof. UKSW, director of the Institute of Media Education and Journalism. He also met with the mobility coordinator for incoming staff from the International Cooperation Department, Mrs. Paula Prażmowska. Prof. Turza presented the CRO Laudato si Project implemented at his home university, including the course program “Laudato si! Dialogue for Integral Ecology”, of which he is the coordinator. To sum up, the visit showed that in both institutions there is great interest in strengthening the mobility of students, teachers and administrative staff, therefore intensified exchanges of students and staff are expected in the near future. Prof. Turza, who works scientifically on Christian ecology, also had the unique opportunity to participate in a study visit to the Kampinos National Park.

“I am grateful to the Faculty of Christian Philosophy and, in particular, to my colleague Prof. Sadowski, who was the best host I could wish for. During this stay, I became better acquainted with the work of the entire university, which has two beautiful campuses in a beautiful environment. I am also grateful to all colleagues I met for openness to cooperation and strengthening the cooperation between our two institutions.”­ – summed up his visit prof. Turza.

The signing of the Inter-Institutional Agreement between the Faculty of Christian Philosophy of UKSW and the Catholic University of Croatia enables the development of further cooperation proposed by Prof. Turza. There are many indications that the outlined fields of cooperation create opportunities not only for the exchange of academic staff but also for future joint projects of the Catholic University of Croatia and the Institute of Philosophy of UKSW.

From the left: Prof. Zoran Turza from the Catholic University of Croatia, Paula Prażmowska, mobility coordinator for incoming staff from the International Relations Department oraz Rev. Prof. Ryszard Sadowski, the director of the Institute of Philosophy at UKSW
Study visit to the Kampinos National Park
11 October 2023